Whoops. Here I was talking about a vacation the last few posts, but I just found the images from when I know for sure I was on vacation. Because they were taken early in the morning on a weekday. No way I would have randomly been off from work if it wasn’t because of that.
What I do remember is going to the local library as soon as they opened, grabbing just about every photography book they had and skimming through them for a few hours. I actually learned only a little, as the majority of books always talk about the same things. Beginning stuff, basic understanding of the settings for a camera. What a tripod is. I did like reading about some of the stories from wildlife photographers.
But I left the library and just went to a new local park and went walking. I can’t seem to find any evidence of what pictures I took with it, but it is worth it to mention that earlier in the month I purchased another lens. This time I had learned about the F stops and wanted the smallest number one I could afford. I got a Yongnuo 1.8 50mm. I also purchased a slightly larger camera bag and assorted filters and other things. None of the images I’m reviewing now appear to have been shot with the 50mm, but I definitely had it with me.
With steam still coming off the river I found this bit of river access for boats, right in front of a water treatment facility. I also maybe but absolutely got my shoe stuck in the mud and it slipped right off almost tripping me.
I was continuing to just walk around with I took this picture, just a road leading further into the forest.
I experimented with a few other ideas while I was at this place, but nothing really came out as interesting. I was also playing Pokemon Go of course, and I think that’s what lead me to driving around to other parks, dodging rainstorms, until I came upon a mostly empty historic downtown. Which I got out for a bit of walking around when the rain had stopped.
I liked the way this image came together. Something about the red of the bricks, green of the grass. Would have been nice with a not pure overcast cloudy sky. But hey, work with what you got.
There was also this really cool fountain that was going, I managed to get a shot of the whole thing. And then played around with shots of the big spray in the middle, trying to see how clear I could get individual droplets of water with faster shutter speeds.
So buildings and water, then back to a building with the town hall.
Shortly after this point I was playing more pokemon when the rain kicked up again. I stood under a tree for a few minutes getting soaked. Luckily the camera bag I was using had one of those rain covers built into the bottom that you just pull over top.
Overall a fun little trip. I need to do more of these random exploration days.