Some months have passed since the camera was put to use. Life finds a way of getting in the way. And I had decided to quit my job, break my lease and move back in with my dad in his new house up in NC. Christmas Eve or day, don’t really remember which exactly. I packed up a uhaul and headed on up.
All in all not a bad situation honestly, I spent about a month doing woodworking projects. Playing video games, watching movies. And helping out around the house. Of course that couldn’t last very long and I had to find work and keep paying my bills. I landed a job at a grocery store, which makes sense considering the background at that time.
Sometime around this I do remember one of the siblings coming to visit, and evidently I dusted off the T3i. These are some longer exposure shots while we were down in the basement (where I was living) with probably all of the lights off.
New location, new job, new outlook. I was far happier even making considerably less money. I should have learned that lesson then honestly, but it would be a lot longer before that ideology really sinks in.