Florida Vacation Part 6 - 7/18/19

Nearing the end of the Florida vacation. The last day for some family members who were heading back early, but still 2 days out for us. We planned a nice mid-morning trip out. But first, the moon from the night before.

Canon 7D w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/2000 - F6.3 - ISO 800

Canon 7D w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/2000 - F6.3 - ISO 800

And after we wrapped up the cosplay shoot, there was a bit of wildlife for me to take pictures of. This may have been the same Great Blue Heron from the previous day, it was the same beach after all.

Canon 7D w/Tamron 150-600mm @150 - 1/400 Sec - F8 - ISO 800

Canon 7D w/Tamron 150-600mm @150 - 1/400 Sec - F8 - ISO 800

Canon 7D w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/250 - F8 - ISO 800

Canon 7D w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/250 - F8 - ISO 800

Canon 7D w/Tamron 150-600mm @300 - 1/320 - F8 - ISO 800

Canon 7D w/Tamron 150-600mm @300 - 1/320 - F8 - ISO 800

And now on to the mid-morning trip of the 18th. We went to a state park and saw an incredibly old light house that was turned into a museum and gift shop. Very cool to learn the history and see all the stuff they had. I didn’t take too many pictures because I couldn’t see anything about if it was allowed or not inside. Plus if I documented the entire museum it kind of defeats the purpose for anyone else to go.

I did get a picture of the outside.

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - 1/5000 Sec - F4.5 - ISO 400

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - 1/5000 Sec - F4.5 - ISO 400

Although I didn’t own a macro lens at the time. This awesome miniature ship model intrigued me enough to take a picture of it, and then again from a closer up showing some of the details I found interesting.

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - 1/30 Sec - F3.5 - ISO 400

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - 1/30 Sec - F3.5 - ISO 400

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @127 - 1/25 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 400

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @127 - 1/25 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 400

And then there was another light that we found out is still in service today. I took some pictures as we were driving past in the car.

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @95 - 1/800 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 100

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @95 - 1/800 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 100

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @112 - 1/800 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 100

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @112 - 1/800 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 100

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @90 - 1/800 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 100

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @90 - 1/800 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 100

From there it was off for lunch and back to the house for most of the day. Until we went out that night for sunset at the beach.

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - 1/8 Sec - F16 - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - 1/8 Sec - F16 - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @135 - 1/13 Sec - F16 - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @135 - 1/13 Sec - F16 - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - F16 - 1/8 Sec - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - F16 - 1/8 Sec - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @65 - F16 - 1/6 Sec - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @65 - F16 - 1/6 Sec - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - F3.5 - 1/50 Sec - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - F3.5 - 1/50 Sec - ISO 1000

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - 1/4 Sec - F3.5 - ISO 100 Ominous red light at the beach bathrooms. ooooOOOoooo

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @28 - 1/4 Sec - F3.5 - ISO 100

Ominous red light at the beach bathrooms. ooooOOOoooo

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @47 - 1/6 Sec - F4.0 - ISO 400

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @47 - 1/6 Sec - F4.0 - ISO 400

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @100 - 1/6 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 400

Canon 5D Mark II w/28-135mm @100 - 1/6 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 400

What the above images don’t tell about the story is how eaten alive we were by bugs. I did my best to hold the camera steady when taking the pictures, especially because I was shooting at such a slow shutter speed to let as much light in on the sensor. There obviously wasn’t much light left this day.

It really kicked in back in the car when I started itching so badly I thought I would need to go to the emergency room, it was painful. But worth it. I obviously survived and learned to make sure bug spray gets applied before and beach sunsets.

And that brings the vacation to a close. Although as I mentioned we had one more day, that day was spent laying around the house relaxing and enjoying what we had left. The swimming pool, eating anything left in the fridge to try and clean it out from the leftovers through the week. It was a good time, and a great vacation. If only it didn’t have to end after just one week.