I had been wanting to try more food photography. Which makes sense to me, I’m narrowing down what I like to take a picture of. I like wildlife for a lot of reasons. It’s a different world, it’s freeing to not have this society of rules you have to adhere to. Animals don’t keep a job they don’t enjoy, if they need food they fucking go get it. And I like food for many reasons. But mostly because I like to eat it, too much usually. And that’s why I’ve been needing to lose some weight for the majority of my life.
I’ve had ups and downs in that regard as well. Sometimes I do things just to prove to myself I can. For about a month, maybe 6 weeks, I got real serious about eating and exercising. I worked out almost everyday doing body weight exercises. I went fully into a keto diet and cut out carbs and sugar. It was actually really good for me, I learned a lot in such a short time. And truly since that point it changed my eating habits entirely. I was already transitioning to eating more vegetables in place of like, yet another plate of pasta.
It’s a slow process for me. I haven’t put any kind of self discipline for food in my life. Besides the obvious as not using it for a coping mechanism or trying to restrain myself when eating around others. But it’s very interesting to look back even just a year and see the difference. It also helps that I cut out meat entirely about 4 months ago. Don’t even miss it, there’s still plenty of great things to eat.
So, food. I like it, and even in November of last year I was trying to avoid carb heavy foods. So I offered my youngest sibling free food that I would cook up, photograph and supply to them so it wouldn’t go to waste. And because they’re the youngest with the least experience working the minimum wage job I figured they would appreciate the most. Spoiler alert, they flaked and it all went into my freezer which I ate over a period of a month or two.
But I got to take plenty of pictures as I was cooking all this up. It was cheap meals, as I didn’t have tons of extra money to spend outside of my normal grocery budget. So pancakes, cheeseburgers and grilled cheese. Wanted to try and get that cheese stretch.
It went alright in the end, and was a pleasant way to spend the afternoon. I was combining two of my favorite things. Cooking and photography. Hard to go wrong when you enjoy both things.