Just playing around with food - 11/20/19

I had this idea after looking through the pantry. Well, the bookcase we use as a pantry because we live in an apartment with an apartment sized kitchen.

I saw a package of chocolate chips and had the idea that they would look cool falling like a chocolate chip waterfall. And be frozen in motion.

So I did exactly that.

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 180mm - 1/200 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 180mm - 1/200 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 180mm - 1/200 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 320

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 180mm - 1/200 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 320

I tried it with some warm color and then just a straight flash with no color. I was interested to see the difference for the final shot.

Also, just a bit further behind the shot. Chocolate chips dropped from about a foot or two into an aluminum mixing bowl makes one hell of a lot of noise. I tried the glass bowl to be a bit quieter but it wasn’t as wide and I just spilled chocolate chips all over the table I was using.

So after that I started just messing around with the macro lens and food items. Rice was pretty interesting, all those small grains. Eventually I added an egg for a different texture to stand out.

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 180mm - 1/160 Sec - F7.1 - ISO 125

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 180mm - 1/160 Sec - F7.1 - ISO 125

Finally, I had a plate of spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Which I wanted to share with my siblings in our ongoing group chat and figured I could do a pretty good photo.

Canon 7D Mark II w/24-105mm - 1/125 Sec - F7.1 - ISO 200

Canon 7D Mark II w/24-105mm - 1/125 Sec - F7.1 - ISO 200