Where to go? - 5/20/19

The struggle continued to find new and interesting places to take pictures of birds. The next thought I had was being up at their level, bit difficult to do since I don’t climb trees. But the top of a building came to mind, and naturally I expected to not be able to find access to something like that. So the next best thing I could come up with was the top level of a parking deck at a mall.

It worked for about 20 minutes before security came to let me know they don’t allow people doing that and I got kicked out.

I did get a few pictures before that happened.

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 + Vivitar 2x Teleconverter =1200mm equivalent - 1/2000 Sec - F13 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 + Vivitar 2x Teleconverter =1200mm equivalent - 1/2000 Sec - F13 - ISO 3200

I believe this little guy to be a house finch, the bird book I have mentions that a variant coloring of them has yellow to orange in the face. Like this one does.

There were also a couple crows making some noise and flying around. I managed to get a shot of them in the action.

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 + Vivitar 2x Teleconverter =1200mm equivalent - 1/2500 Sec - F14 - ISO 5000

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 + Vivitar 2x Teleconverter =1200mm equivalent - 1/2500 Sec - F14 - ISO 5000

The biggest challenge I’ve ever faced is finding locations where I can go. I’m not going to risk trespassing, and I don’t know anyone with land ownership that would let me go watch for wildlife. So public property is all that’s left, and in the stupid busy metro Atlanta those places are always filled with people.

I did manage to find a little open field like thing by wandering off the trail at a park. I think it was some water collection type of structure. Not entirely sure to it’s intended purpose. But it had high concrete walls that were littered with spray paint from probably idiot teenagers. There was a large grassy area at the other end, and as I discovered it there happened to be several deer grazing. I was almost climbing uphill to get to the ridge when I saw them, so I didn’t have much time to grab the camera. What came out of it was a pretty cool picture of a deer mid prance.

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @512 - 1/200 Sec - F11 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @512 - 1/200 Sec - F11 - ISO 3200