River wildlife - 5/21/19

A Tuesday evening after work and I had dropped by home to grab my camera bag, a quick snack and then I was back out walking the trails. Still hitting up local parks hoping for something to see. A google search tells me deer typically give birth around the end of May and into June. It’s the end of May and what happened to be strolling through the woods eating was a pregnant Doe.

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/125 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/125 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/100 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/100 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

That was enough to seal the night off as good. I actually found a deer like I was hoping, and better than that it was more than I could have asked for. I kept my distance of course and it continued on grazing. I walked a trail route a few more times, I had found there was a quieter trail that was specifically for walking. Although there were still assholes riding bikes on it, despite the signs saying not to.

The trail goes along the river, both sides actually. There is a large paved road for bikes on one side, and a dirt path with wooden bridges on the walking side.

I wandered for a few hours up and down the walking side, finding spots to sit by the river and watch.

That’s when, right in front of me. A little water creature swim by.

The water was shallow directly in front of me, and he came up to use the bottom of the river to stand on while he chowed down on something.

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @191 - 1/50 Sec - F5.0 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @191 - 1/50 Sec - F5.0 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @ 600 - 1/40 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @ 600 - 1/40 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/25 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/25 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

This went on for just a few moments, then as quick as he appeared he swam off. I found a spot further down the river that I suspect to be their home. But with some research discovered the likelihood of me seeing them around their home is slim. They make entrances and exits deep underwater.

But the entire event was quite exciting. I believe I texted the group chat with my siblings


And then shared pictures with them later once I got home and emptied the card.

Now these next two images are technically from the following weekend. But the next post covering that day will be covered by another subject. So they live here.

During the shooting of the next subject I looked over towards the same river as the beaver, I saw this beautiful Mallard in the water. The color really did pop, but maybe not quite that much. I think I overedited this one just a bit, since there’s a good bit of purple all over the duck and not just where it should be.

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/100 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/100 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 3200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/500 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 200

Canon 5D Mark II w/Tamron 150-600mm @600 - 1/500 Sec - F6.3 - ISO 200

Also once I finished with the main subject and I was waiting for my ride, I saw this dragonfly in front of me that I managed to snag a shot of.