A mere 5 days later after the first snowfall and we had several inches dropped on us. Enough that me having lived in an area that MAYBE will get snow, and had only had to drive in it once before, I called out of work to my job I had gotten just a few weeks before. Not a great move, but the boss was really cool. And honestly he was impressed that I wasn’t high school age and actually was more than willing to work.
While this wasn’t the most snow I’ve ever seen before, it was still enough that I grabbed the camera and stepped out the basement door for less than a minute and took a couple shots.
1/60 sec - F4.5 - 34mm - ISO 3200
1/125 sec - F3.5 - 18mm - ISO 3200
1/320 sec - F3.5 - 18mm - ISO 500
1/320 - F3.5 - 18mm - ISO 500
Looking at these I would say that’s at least 3-4 inches on top of my old Ford Taurus. I don’t think I went out to play in it, but I should have. I certainly haven’t seen this much snow in the last 5 years.