Well, change happens quick as it turns out. And this will easily be the biggest change I’ve gone through.
Since I turned 18 I have moved my living situation… 10 times in the last 11 years. Not quite every year because I haven’t moved in the last 5 years. So 10 times in 6 years. That’s a lot.
But it’s time for another move, and this one is big. We’re leaving the heavily populated metro Atlanta area for the barely populated Wyoming. A move I am quite looking forward to being done. We found out this past Wednesday with a same day interview and job offer for my significant other. And since I’m remote, I can work from anywhere with a good internet connection. Which I made sure this place had.
So, towards the end of the month we’ll be hitting the road. Headed towards new adventures.
There will be a significant change that we’ll need to adjust to. I’ve started reading up and talking to people about what it’s like there. I hear very windy, and very cold. I’ll be getting a 4 wheel drive with snow tires before winter that’s for sure. And winter survival kits to keep in each of our cars.
We’ll probably spend a good bit on much better winter clothes. I’ve heard about how it’s usual there to bring a change with you for when you get in out of the snow.
Now our situation will be a little easier thankfully, since I only go out for wildlife and my girlfriend will have a short drive to their work and back. On major highways. Which I assume they are a lot more prepared than say Atlanta. We’ll still be inside a city, probably the closest to a downtown that I’ve ever been. But I expect things are a lot quieter and easier. Hopefully anyway.
I probably won’t have much to update here for the rest of this month. As I’ve already begun packing and all my photography gear was some of the first to go. It requires the most care to be packed up and it was the most readily available.
But I will return in August with, I’m sure, tons of new pictures and videos. I’ve already begun scoping out new nature viewing places to go to. Been reading about an annual Elk migration that happens there.
In the meantime, I uploaded all the videos I created over the last few months. Check them out here.
Onward and upwards, here we go.