Another inside photography day. This time I was playing around with this cool mirror my significant other brought home, and the lights I had plus some colored gels.
The first thing I wanted to do was just get a picture of the cool wolf artwork on this mirror. I really liked how it looked, but getting an image required a number of tries to get it right.
Firstly I had to set up the camera on a tripod with a remote trigger. And raise it slightly above the subject looking down at an angle. That way I could hold up some black foam board and make a nice clean reflection.
Once I figured I had gotten a good enough image of this, I moved on to putting colored gel over the lights.
Red on one side and blue on the other. Clashed to make some cool purple in the middle. While I thought this was cool, how would I do it to keep the colors separate I wonder… hmm.
What if I put another piece of foam board right in the middle so it would block out the light coming from the other side?
That sounds easy but it actually turned out to be harder than I thought. First I had to turn the whole mirror upside down I could press the foam board right up against the mirror. But it only touched the frame, letting light bleed through. So I used a piece of black cloth I used for backdrops in other projects to stuff the gap it had made.
It took significantly more tries at this, the trick became how to take a long exposure without moving, but holding 3 different things perfectly still. One of which being the foam board directly in front of the lens so it would appear as small as possible.
In the end it came out looking like that. Not too bad if I do say so myself. A fun little project playing around with light and color.