Pandemic 2020 - March to June

Going outside took a backseat for the last months, apparently not long enough of a lockdown though since cases across the country are spiking here in the last week. Maybe won’t be going back outside for the next few months either.

I did play a lot of video games during the quarantine. With the help of a couple old buddies we managed to 100% Dark Souls II and III. Might have done one as well but we needed a break and moved to Red Dead 2 Online since it went on Xbox game pass. And then I had to start working again, from home thankfully.

That period did give me a chance to catch up on the blog though. So from here on out I’ll be making posts as I create content. Backlog completed!

Now towards the end of May I did make a decision, I wanted to expand my bag of skills and create even better content. An image is great, so what’s better than just a single image? A lot of them. A whole lot of them.

I also wrote in the blog before about watching the Netflix documentaries. I searched out for several more and watched everything I could over the past few months. I decided video was the next logical challenge to tackle. And it goes hand in hand with photography.

So I made a good amount of purchases with the unemployment money I had been receiving. I’ll go over in another post all the things I’ve learned in the last month of shooting video. For now, just know something is coming. Not sure what it’ll look like yet, because rendering is killing my laptop. The next thing to upgrade will absolutely have to be a proper editing PC.

Which brings me to one of other decisions I made, I’ve started a patreon. I want to direct more of my energy and time towards this and unfortunately I’m pretty well putting as much time as I can towards this while still having to work a 40 hour a week job. I would really love to transition into more of a part time position for both. Obviously the long term goal would be great to make photography my full time career. But that’s not entirely up to me, at the least I can make the best possible effort and hope.

So what will this look like going forward? Pretty much the same. I’ll keep updating the blog and writing about what I’m doing. It may be on a delay so patreon supporters can read first or something. Haven’t entirely figured out what should be available for those who choose to support me. Thinking of offering prints, probably exclusive full size images to use as backgrounds. Prints seem really cool, until one gets damaged in the mail or something. And I would have to order them anyway, I can’t print them myself. Been there, tried that. It’s just going to be a thousand times easier to order prints from a professional.

One time I did pull the camera out was towards the beginning of June. As I’ve talked about before we usually get families of Canadian Geese living around the apartment complex each summer. I happened to look out the window at just the right time, ran to grab the camera and captured this moment.

Canon 7D Mark II w/ 300mm +1.4x - 1/800 Sec - F4 - ISO 1250

Canon 7D Mark II w/ 300mm +1.4x - 1/800 Sec - F4 - ISO 1250

Isn’t that just the cutest? A big pile of little goslings all snuggled up to sleep.

Not another minute later and they all got woken up by the parent and waddled off together. Right time right place is all I can attribute that one too.