Apparently in Florida (and probably other places but I only know what I see) frogs will climb pretty high up. This guy was all the way up near the top of the front windows to the house we were staying in. So on our way out the door I took a picture. But we were heading back to the manatee spot, this time with more family members who wanted to see.
This morning there were multiple out there, young ones I think. Just rolling around playing with each other in the water. We stayed quiet as I took pictures. They were a little further away than the one I had spotted the day before. And as the morning went on they went further and further away until they went out into the bay. I showed my siblings and girlfriend how to work the camera so they could see closer up through the lens. They took some of the pictures as well. It was an excellent morning.
We went from there back the short walk to the beach, where I photographed some more wildlife.
There was a Laughing Gull out on the beach.
And then I focused in on a Great Blue Heron that was walking around, looking for a quick meal washing up the shore.
I actually managed to get somewhat close to this one, and I’m glad I did. The detail you can see is magnificent. He’s obviously very old and been around a while.
He went for a bit of a stroll after that. Until he ended up stationing himself near someone’s fishing set up. Old and wise, they’d have a fish soon enough and he’d make a grab for it I’m sure. I went on my way and left him to his wait.
The next thing that caught my eye was a big Brown Pelican flying low over the water. I took advantage of that faster FPS again in the 7D and snapped a few as it went by.
And that brings us to a second Brown Pelican that I manged to get some shots of. I tracked it as it came down in towards the water.
And that just leaves the final image of it breaching the water to grab what I assume was a fish. This next image is by far my favorite. I cropped it in a bit of course to really show the detail. And I may have gone a bit overboard with the saturation to show the colors and make it a bit more, let’s say artistic. Less of a documentary style to show truth and more just a beautiful shot that I plan to have framed and hung up sometime in my office I don’t have yet.