But first, here’s more dog pictures.
1/60 - F5.6 - ISO 400 - Some kind of auto mode I’m sure
1/60 - F4.5 - ISO 400
Because Sandie was a good girl.
Anyway, about a month after the last image I woke up and went downstairs to find a lot of leaves out the window where there usually was not. Turns out there was a lightning strike in the night that split a tree.
1/40 - F3.5 - ISO 160
Of course I did grab my new DSLR and go out to take pictures. We were able to see the entry point higher up the tree, and the exit where the tree exploded into two pieces and cracked.
1/30 - F3.5 - ISO 320
1/40 - F3.5 - ISO 320
1/80 - F5 - ISO 2000
1/60 - F4.5 - ISO 1600
Thankfully no one was hurt and the only damage was to the tree and the fence it landed on. I didn’t hear any of this, I just know the tree was in one piece when I went to bed. In more pieces when I woke up. Fascinating to look back on, knowing what I know now I would have taken more pictures. Different angles, even closer. Maybe a macro lens if I had owned one. But that’s hindsight. Grateful for the safe opportunity that I had.