The vacation actually begins - 6/27/18

Whoops. Here I was talking about a vacation the last few posts, but I just found the images from when I know for sure I was on vacation. Because they were taken early in the morning on a weekday. No way I would have randomly been off from work if it wasn’t because of that.

What I do remember is going to the local library as soon as they opened, grabbing just about every photography book they had and skimming through them for a few hours. I actually learned only a little, as the majority of books always talk about the same things. Beginning stuff, basic understanding of the settings for a camera. What a tripod is. I did like reading about some of the stories from wildlife photographers.

But I left the library and just went to a new local park and went walking. I can’t seem to find any evidence of what pictures I took with it, but it is worth it to mention that earlier in the month I purchased another lens. This time I had learned about the F stops and wanted the smallest number one I could afford. I got a Yongnuo 1.8 50mm. I also purchased a slightly larger camera bag and assorted filters and other things. None of the images I’m reviewing now appear to have been shot with the 50mm, but I definitely had it with me.

Canon T3i w/ 18-55mm - 1/125 Sec - F4 - 21mm - ISO 100

Canon T3i w/ 18-55mm - 1/125 Sec - F4 - 21mm - ISO 100

With steam still coming off the river I found this bit of river access for boats, right in front of a water treatment facility. I also maybe but absolutely got my shoe stuck in the mud and it slipped right off almost tripping me.

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/30 Sec - F9 - 36mm - ISO 6400

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/30 Sec - F9 - 36mm - ISO 6400

I was continuing to just walk around with I took this picture, just a road leading further into the forest.

I experimented with a few other ideas while I was at this place, but nothing really came out as interesting. I was also playing Pokemon Go of course, and I think that’s what lead me to driving around to other parks, dodging rainstorms, until I came upon a mostly empty historic downtown. Which I got out for a bit of walking around when the rain had stopped.

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/50 Sec - F3.5 - 20mm - ISO 100

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/50 Sec - F3.5 - 20mm - ISO 100

I liked the way this image came together. Something about the red of the bricks, green of the grass. Would have been nice with a not pure overcast cloudy sky. But hey, work with what you got.

There was also this really cool fountain that was going, I managed to get a shot of the whole thing. And then played around with shots of the big spray in the middle, trying to see how clear I could get individual droplets of water with faster shutter speeds.

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/2000 Sec - F5.6 - 24mm - ISO 6400

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/2000 Sec - F5.6 - 24mm - ISO 6400

Canon T3i w/75-300mm - 1/2000 Sec - F5.6 - 75mm - ISO 400

Canon T3i w/75-300mm - 1/2000 Sec - F5.6 - 75mm - ISO 400

So buildings and water, then back to a building with the town hall.

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/50 Sec - F5.6 - 18mm - ISO 100

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/50 Sec - F5.6 - 18mm - ISO 100

Shortly after this point I was playing more pokemon when the rain kicked up again. I stood under a tree for a few minutes getting soaked. Luckily the camera bag I was using had one of those rain covers built into the bottom that you just pull over top.

Overall a fun little trip. I need to do more of these random exploration days.

Lake Lanier landscapes - 6/24/18

It was the last day of my vacation week. I was procrastinating but still trying to squeeze in a bit more photography and wanted to go somewhere new. I had never actually been to Lake Lanier, although now I have tried to drive there several times. But as it turns out, you have to pay for almost everywhere. As a rule I try to not go places that require payment, I don’t really have a good reason for this. Just never liked the idea of paying for parking or entrance fees. I like nature being enjoyed at just the cost of nature. I also get the point that places like state parks charge so they can upkeep it, which makes sense. Although maybe that should be a tax that everyone pays. I know different states handle things differently, and there are a few states that have state level parks for free. I absolutely want to travel to these places.

But Georgia is not one of these places. And paying money to go somewhere puts a certain amount of pressure, it’s not just time you’re sinking into something but there is an actual monetary cost associated with it. And as in photography there’s a good chance you could make the trip out, and walk away with no good pictures only good experience. I try to minimize the actual cash costs. Obviously this doesn’t work for everywhere, but especially when it’s just a quick trip. Overall we were here at the lake probably less than an hour. Thankfully it was early on a Sunday and not many people came to this one spot that has free parking, very small area. Honestly as this was more than a year ago, wouldn’t be surprised to find that it’s a pay to park spot now. As is every other place I’ve found at Lake Lanier.

But it was a nice little spot to visit, took some photos of the water and a few other things that interested me.

Canon T3i w/ 18-55mm - 1/1000 Sec - F4 - 18mm - ISO 100

Canon T3i w/ 18-55mm - 1/1000 Sec - F4 - 18mm - ISO 100

Took a couple of shots of these floating barrels, probably there to keep boats from coming into the smaller portion of this particular spread of the lake.

I got a little closer and did another shot of these, really like the color orange and how blue the sky was with a bit of color adjustment.

Canon T3i w/ 18-55mm - 1/1600 Sec - F5 - 18mm - ISO 100

Canon T3i w/ 18-55mm - 1/1600 Sec - F5 - 18mm - ISO 100

There was also a sign that I took a picture of, I liked the way the colors of the sign stood out against all the green around it. I also make it black and white, just to play around with that in photoshop.

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/100 Sec - F16 - 55mm - ISO 4000

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/100 Sec - F16 - 55mm - ISO 4000

Same settings as previous picture lol, just edited in photoshop. Not the cleanest, looking back at it.

Same settings as previous picture lol, just edited in photoshop. Not the cleanest, looking back at it.

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/500 Sec - F5.6 - 49mm - ISO 100

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/500 Sec - F5.6 - 49mm - ISO 100

Back in the car, this was interesting with all the rocks coming to meet the water.

One last shot I did I really liked the composition of, even if I didn’t know that word back then. It was a series of 3 as these boats came passed each other. With an island in the background. I edited it into black and white for effect in the waves.

Canon T3i w/ 75-300mm - 1/500 Sec - F6.3 - 300mm - ISO 100

Canon T3i w/ 75-300mm - 1/500 Sec - F6.3 - 300mm - ISO 100

Down by the river - 6/19/18

Another day in my vacation and this time I ended up going out towards the end of the day to a spot I would drive past on my drive to work. But never stopped at. It was by the Chattahoochee river, a nice little park.

Now I did take quite a few shots of the river, trying out different angles and settings.

Canon T3i W/ 18-55mm - 1/60 Sec - F5.6 - 18mm - ISO 640

Canon T3i W/ 18-55mm - 1/60 Sec - F5.6 - 18mm - ISO 640

I don’t know exactly which one I picked to edit, they all look very similar, so I don’t have the details for the raw file.


What I do know is that is HIGHLY overdone. The colors are way blown out and the saturation is too high. But hey, this is still early on. I didn’t know any better yet. Just wanted to make pictures like I would see online.

Canon T3i w/ 75-300mm - 1/3200 Sec - F5.6 - 300mm - ISO 1600

Canon T3i w/ 75-300mm - 1/3200 Sec - F5.6 - 300mm - ISO 1600

I also tried out some more moon shots. Different shutter speeds to see if I can capture details in it.

I also turned around and watched the cars going past, thought it would be cool to do a long exposure of the lights, happened to also get this really cool lens flare from the lamp post. Not sure if I had a filter on, it’s possible. I think I had some cheap filters than would have come in a bundled kit or something.

Canon T3i w/ 18-55mm - 30 Sec - F22 - ISO 400

Canon T3i w/ 18-55mm - 30 Sec - F22 - ISO 400

There was also this sculpture in the park, a hand holding a fish. Really cool.

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/20 Sec - F4 - 25mm - ISO 6400

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/20 Sec - F4 - 25mm - ISO 6400

And upon closer inspection, with the flash on. It’s extremely colorful!

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/30 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 6400

Canon T3i w/18-55mm - 1/30 Sec - F5.6 - ISO 6400

And the vacation continues…